A Little about me

Troy Nelson Bibbins, Jr. is a huge advocate of self- development and progress. His passion to inspire and uplift others began in his college years while attending the University of Louisiana at Lafayette (UL). Troy aspires to always be better than his former self, through sacrifice, hard work and living purposefully.

He feels life doesn’t caution us when freedom is on the verge of being compromised, therefore we must meet adversity at the center of the canvas. Life has been unloading blows on us since the beginning of time, it’s time to fight back! 

The title Thistle In A Gravel Garden represents strength, bravery, and pride, as well as weakness and pain. It illustrates a ravaged past, but a robust blossom into everlasting freedom.

My Book:

Thistle in a Gravel Garden- Hard cover

This insightful yet provocative literary work will make you face your true... 

Never Capitulate, Only Elevate

Please note that the universe will not value you if you do not truly value yourself. It is so easy to get manipulated to think that the life you lament on a daily basis is acceptable because its  “society’s norm.” A fragile mindset will force you to remain programmed and trapped forever.


    BDBG Wear is a brand that I created to highlight that DREAMING BIG (imagination), is just as important as GOAL SETTING (ACTION) in order to attain everything that you desire. Dreams are useless if they never leave the bed.

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  • About:

    The oxymoron “The Employed Employer” signifies a position of leadership, as well as a student who feels he has a duty to serve his role. My employees know that I have their back, just as they have mine. My obligation to service crashes the idea that I can do what I want to do when I want to do it. It’s equivalent to an adult having the freedom to do as they please, but in the same breath, parents have a duty to administer to the needs of their children, even if they “don’t want to” or “feel like it.” We all have an obligation to serve, no matter your political status, power, or background.
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